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Manicure pushers

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The manicure set includes not only nail files and scissors. There are tools that have a special purpose in such kits and without some of them, it will be difficult to make a beautiful, high-quality and safe manicure. One of these rescue sticks is a pusher.

What is a pusher?

This is a manicure tool for pushing back the cuticle and modeling the nail hole with high accuracy. Using a pusher, you can process even very dry cuticles that other tools cannot handle.

As a rule, the instrument has two sides that differ in shape. One of them is a thin blade of a beveled or even shape, which is used to shift the cuticle. The second is a sharp incisor, which is convenient to cut off skin defects (burrs, cracked cuticles, etc.). With the help of a cutter ("hatchet"), you can clean the edges and sides of the nail from dirt; prepare the nail bed for manicure.

Orange sticks are often used to prepare the cuticle for manicure. However, if at least once you get to know a pusher and experience it in work, it will be very difficult to give up this tool.

How to choose a pusher?

The range of pushers presented on the Ukrainian market is huge. Among the offers, there are options at different prices, made of different materials, differing in size and shape. Which model is better to choose? There are several basic criteria for choosing a good pusher.

The first is the shape of the nails. A pusher should also be selected depending on the width of the nail plate. The narrower the nail – the narrower the blade of the tool should be.

A beveled blade makes it possible to carry out nail modeling faster than a flat one. If you are looking for a universal tool, desry the models with an oval-shaped blade. It is safe, has no sharp edges, and can be used to treat cuticles on nails of different lengths.

For the manufacture of high-quality pushers, high-alloy medical steel is used. Such devices are:

  • durable;

  • easy to handle and disinfect;

  • they are easy to sharpen and keep it for a long time.

Professional pushers have removable work surfaces, there are notches on the tool body (which allows you to avoid metal slipping during operation). Some models are complemented by small carvings on the surface that act as a file. It is convenient to correct the shape of the nail or remove excess cuticles.

The tool for removing the skin should be thin and sharp. At the same time, such tools are safe, if the rules of use are followed and the master has experience with them, it is difficult to cut yourself or damage the nail in any other way. There should be no notches, roughness, or other defects on the spatula.

Features of using a pusher for nails and cuticles

Before each use of the tool (even if it is used only for yourself), be sure to disinfect it. Nails moisturize, soften the cuticle by making a hand bath and using a cream or balm, a special cuticle remedy.

With the help of a spatula, the cuticle skin is pushed to the bottom of the hole. After that, you can start modeling the shape of the hole using the beveled part of the blade or the second working surface of the pusher. All actions are performed with caution. When burrs appear, it is worth using wire cutters, cutting off defects as close to the base as possible, but without damaging the skin.

Where to buy a pusher in Ukraine?

If your goal is to buy a high-quality pusher for manicure or pedicure - pay attention to the models presented in the ThePilochki online store. You will find a large selection of manicure tools that are easy to order online in our catalog. Delivery of products is carried out throughout the territory of Ukraine.