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Metal podo-discs for pedicure

Diameter of the disk, mm

Metal discs for pedicure

Foot skin care involves the use of special graters and files, which, without damage to the skin, help to remove roughened particles of the epidermis. Coarsening of the skin on the feet is a natural process, because it is this part of the body that "gets" the most during walking, running and other movements. The legs suffer from constant wearing of shoes, they become rough. The task of the pedicure master is to give them a beautiful, healthy look, make the skin soft, tender, without rough areas.

Today, the foot care procedure is carried out using modern tools and tools, thanks to which:

  • the quality of care is improving;

  • the time spent on pedicure is reduced;

  • the probability of damage to healthy skin is minimized.

For the convenience of the masters and to increase the effectiveness of the pedicure, you should order a special metal disc - a nozzle for grinding. A disposable buff or file is subsequently glued to its surface. The main feature of such metal circles is the possibility of their sterilization, which ensures a high degree of tool safety.

Pedicure discs made of metal are available in different sizes. Select products, focusing on the features of the equipment used and the purpose of application.

Pedicure discs made of metal are offered to buy by ThePilochki online store. You will find high-quality reliable pedicure metal discs of different diameters in the catalog of the website. If you have any difficulties in choosing products, ask our consultant questions. Delivery of products is carried out throughout the territory of Ukraine.